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Community Hotline

(406) 255-2600

Interested in working at this refinery?


The Billings Refinery is located in Billings, Montana. Refinery facilities include crude distilling, naphtha reforming, fluid catalytic cracking, alkylation, hydrodesulfurization and delayed coking units. The refinery produces a high percentage of transportation fuels and fuel-grade petroleum coke. Refined petroleum products are distributed to customers in Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, Colorado and Washington by pipeline, railcar and truck.

Nelson Complexity Factor: 12.4

Clean Product Yield Capability: 90%


Gasolines Production: 37 MBD*

Distillates Production: 30 MBD*

Crude Throughput: 66 MBD

Total Throughput: 67 MBD

* Clean product capacities are maximum rates for each clean product category, independent of each other. They are not additive when calculating the clean product yield capability for each refinery.
(MBD) Thousand Barrels Per Day

HISTORY: Built in 1949

LOCATION: Billings, Montana

SIZE: 270 acres (approx.)

WORKFORCE: Approximately 290 employees

  • Transportation fuels (gasoline, diesel and aviation fuel)
  • Aviation fuels
  • Fuel-grade petroleum coke
  • Pipeline
  • Rail
  • Truck

Citizens Advisory Council

Year established: 1990

The Billings Refinery Citizens Advisory Council (CAC) provides a forum to share information, concerns and views. CAC members have observed and participated in mock-emergency drills, provided input and feedback to Billings Refinery associated with the federally mandated Risk Management Process and acted as a sounding board for Yellowstone County agencies and businesses as they developed a community-wide communication plan for the general public

Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Call (406) 255-2600 for more information or review the minutes of any meeting.